World LUMEN Congress 2021

Last Call for Participation | updated on May 7th

World LUMEN Congress 2021 is coming soon!
See our last offers for the congress registration!
Until May 15th 2021, you can register with virtual or poster presentation and benefit from up to 50% discount for the registration fee during the late registration period, or you can propose a thematic workshop on one of the congress’ topics (see topics here) and benefit from a 70% discount for the registration fee during the late registration period.
Because we are so close to the start of the congress and we are running out of time for processing new registrations, please be operative and, when you send to us your proposals, make sure that you completely fill in all the required fields of the registration forms – both for individual (virtual and poster) or workshop types of presentation.
Virtual & Poster Presentations |
For the virtual or poster presentations, the registrants must send us the video recording of their presentation (for virtual presentation – see guidelines here) and the actual poster in PDF or JPEG format (only for poster presentations) via email, at, together with their registration form. If you registered your paper as a poster presentation and you wish for us to graphically make the poster on your behalf, just let us know, and for a 20 euros supplementary fee we will professionally do it for you.   
The registration fee for the virtual and poster presentations will be discounted with up to 50%, from 120 euros to 64 euros /author – for the first registration of an author, or 32 euros/ author for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th registration of the same author (a maximum of 4 registrations / author is permitted).

Workshop proposals | 
For the workshop proposals, the registration of all participants will be made unitary by the workshop coordinator, and the proposal will contain the workshop description and at least 5 different authors/papers enrolled for presentation within the workshop.

The workshop coordinator (the proponent) will propose to us the workshop, together with all the abstracts enrolled in the workshop. The proponent of the workshop may enroll researchers from more than one academic institution.
The registration fee – all workshop registrants will benefit from a discount of 75%, from 120 euros to 30 euros /author.
These offers are available only until May 15th 2021. After this date, the registration period for the congress will officially be closed and no other registrations will be accepted. 

| updated on May 7th

Dear Friends,

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the World LUMEN Congress 2021. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty. 20th LUMEN Anniversary Edition! 26-30 May 2021, Iasi, Romania

World LUMEN Congress will explore new approaches in social and humanistic fields, through its anniversary theme “Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty”, by bringing in debate international academics, practitioners and experts together in a safe online environment.

Aims & Scope |

This edition of World LUMEN Congress continues the first edition that was held in 2016, at the 15th LUMEN Anniversary. This new edition of the World LUMEN Congress WLC2021 continues to focus on the interferences between the new theoretical approaches and the social and educational practices, taking into account the need for an ethical resizing of the social action.

For the moment, due to the current COVID-19 pandemic that the entire world faces, the congress will have an online format only.

There are expected papers in the social sciences and humanities fields, without being set a precise disciplinary border. We encourage the transdisciplinary approaches that overcome the existing cleavage between theory and practice. See the topics here.

This edition of World LUMEN Congress 2021 gives the opportunity of many types of presentations: plenary, oral & poster presentations, but also encourages the proposals of associated events such as lectures, workshops, round-tables, book releases, conferences.

Publication | 

World LUMEN Congress 2021 wishes to offer its participants a most diversified international publication opportunity, and therefore an increased visibility of the published papers.

For LUMEN Congress, by celebrating 20 years of LUMEN, we offer a special gift for our registered authors!

Free paper publication in the Proceedings Volume*

*in the limit of 5 pages, published by LUMEN Media Publishing, London, UK, and LUMEN Publishing House, Romania. The volume will have British ISBN (allocated by Nielsen Library), and will be indexed in international databases and proposed for indexing case by case by Web of Science Clarivate Analytics – former Thomson Reuters. 

Consult the publication page to see the full paper publication options for the World LUMEN Congress 2021.

We invite you to participate at the WLC2021 congress with plenary, oral and poster presentations, or to propose and participate in associated events such as associated conferences, workshops, roundtables, book releases, in a safe virtual format provided by ZOOM platform of online meetings.

Organizers |
Registration |

Go online at and follow the registration steps. In the Comments section of Lumen Submission Platform, please specify the manner of presentation: plenary, oral, poster, workshop etc.!

Deadlines for registration | see deadlines

The online platform we will use for virtual presentations is ZOOM. In order to be able to organize the presentations efficiently, the authors registered with virtual presentations are asked to send a supplementary video recording of their presentation in advance at least 20 days before the conference. Sending the recorded video presentation does not replace the online ZOOM presentation during the Conference.

Call for Plenary Presentations |

Start here to submit your proposal for plenary sessions

Call for Oral & Poster Presentations |
Call for Section Editors |
Call for Reviewers |
Call for Associated Events |

Looking forward meeting you all online at the World LUMEN Congress 2021, to celebrate 20 years of LUMEN activity!

The Organizing Team of World LUMEN Congress 2021