World LUMEN Congress 2021

[Note! The registration fee is individual, and paid by each author from the abstract authorship accepted in the conference. One author can submit a maximum of 4 Abstracts/conference, regardless of the manner of presentation. Paid registration to at least one section of the congress grants access to all Congress sections, as auditory, including participation in debates.]

Plenary presentations

Early –
March 1st
Normal –
April 25th
Late –
May 10th
plenary speakers
120 euro140 euro160 euro
Invited speakersfreefreefree

Virtual & poster presentations

Early –
March 1st
Normal –
April 25th
Late –
May 10th
1st Abstract60 euro80 euro120 euro
2nd to 4th Abstract
of the same author
30 euro40 euro60 euro


Early –
March 1st
Normal –
April 25th
Late –
May 10th
For each author40 euro60 euro100 euro

Round tables

Early –
March 1st
Normal –
April 25th
Late –
May 10th
For each participant not
already registered to the congress,
including the moderator
10 euro10 euro10 euro
For each participant
already registered to the congress,
including the moderator

For this event only, by celebrating 20 years of LUMEN, we offer a special discount for the congress registered authors!

The registration fee payment gives the the opportunity for paper free publication in the Proceedings Volume, published by LUMEN Media Publishing, London, UK, and LUMEN Publishing House, Romania. The volume will have British ISBN (allocated by Nielsen Library), and will be indexed in international databases and proposed for indexing case by case by Web of Science Clarivate Analytics – former Thomson Reuters. No other type of publication will be included in the registration fee.

For consulting the Publication types associated to this congress, please click here.

Deadline for PUBLICATION FEE payment 10 days after the acceptance of full paper for publication (not abstracts).

[Note: By registering with virtual and poster presentation, video recording (or Skype live broadcasting) and posters, authors give their implicit agreement in sharing their papers on the YouTube channels and on the social networks of the conference. ]

Account holder: LOGOS PANDA S.R.L.
Fiscal Code: 42930920
Registered as: J22/1906/2020
Address: BLD. NICOLAE IORGA,  NR.55B,  BL.R2,  SC.A,  ET.8,  AP.33

Bank accounts:

in RON: RO90BTRLRONCRT0563656501
Name of the Bank: Banca Transilvania
Branch of the Bank: Agenția Podu Roș, Iasi, Romania
Address of the Bank: Bd. Socola, Nr.2, Bl.F, tronson 4, Iasi, Romania

in EUR:
Name of the Bank: Banca Transilvania
Branch of the Bank: Agenția Podu Roș, Iasi, Romania
Address of the Bank: Bd. Socola, Nr.2, Bl.F, tronson 4, Iasi, Romania


PayPal Account: