Jorge Humberto DIAS, PhD
Atlântica – Instituto Universitário | Portugal & Universidad Vasco de Quiroga | México
He has a European PhD in Moral and Political Philosophy from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal), with a PhD Internship in the Research Group “Applied Philosophy: Society, Subject and Suffering” at the University of Seville “(Spain). His thesis was on Happiness and Philosophical Consultancy. Web:https://run.unl.pt/handle/10362/9088 . He is a researcher responsible for the Project “Perspectives on Happiness. Contributions to Portugal in the World Happiness Report (UN)”, created in October 2017 at Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Web: https://filosofiaaplicada.wixsite.com/psobrefelicidade . He is invited professor at Universidade Atlântica (Portugal), where he teaches the subject of Ethics, Happiness and Philosophical Counseling. Coordinator of 2 Postgraduate Courses: “People Management and Organizational Happiness” and “Philosophical Counseling for People and Organizations”. Web: https://www.asib.pt/cursos/pos-graduacao-em-aconselhamento-filosofico-para-pessoas-e-organizacoes . He is invited professor at the Vasco de Quiroga University (Mexico), where he teaches the subject of History of Applied Philosophy. Web:https://www.uvaq.edu.mx . He is a consultant at the PROJECT @ Office. Web: https://filosofiaaplicada.wixsite.com/gabineteproject . Author of several publications on Applied Philosophy, Philosophical Counseling, Happiness, PROJECT @ Method, Happiness Manager, etc. Web: https://uvaq.academia.edu/JorgeHumbertoDias
Email: jhdias@uatlantica.pt
Plenary Speech Title | From the World Happiness Report (UN) to the Figure of the Corporate Philosopher
Link to video recording on Editura LUMEN’s YouTube Chanel |