Professor, PhD „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Romania
MARIUS DUMITRESCU is Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi. His main fields of interest are modern philosophy, philosophical anthropology and psychoanalysis and philosophy of cinematographic art. His most significant volumes are: Descartes or the Doubts of Certainties (Descartes sau certitudinile îndoielii) (1996), which won ”Mircea Florian Prize” of the Romanian Academy, What happens when philosophy is taken seriously? (Ce se întâmplă când filosofia este luată în serios?) (1999), Plato in the mirror of time. A Journey in Philosophical Anthropology (Platon în oglinda timpului. Periplu în antropologia filosofică) (2002), Beyond the mysteries of philosophy and philosophers (Dincolo de tainele filosofiei si ale filosofilor) (2002), Alchemy of Human Becoming (Alchimia devenirii umane) (2007), Psychoanalysis Applied in Philosophy and Art (Psihanaliza aplicată în filosofie si artă) (2014), Baroque Genesis of Modern Philosophy (Geneza barocă a filosofiei moderne) (2016), and Descartes’ Prophecies and the Admirable Westphalian Peace (Profeţiile lui Descartes şi mirabila pace westfalică) (2020).
Plenary Speech title | From the Italian portraits art of the 15th century to the embellished self-image on Facebook. A journey on self-image perception and its projection methods in the public space
Link to video recording on Editura LUMEN’s YouTube Chanel |
Marius Dumitrescu (“Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania) – “From the Italian Portraits Art of the 15th Century to the Embellished Self-Image on Facebook. A Journey on Self-Image Perception and Its Projection Methods in the Public Space”