Plenary presentations |
Plenary sessions will be dedicated to the specific areas of the Congress, in accordance with the main topics of the Congress. A plenary session is one which all the registered participants are to attend. A plenary speaker is a facilitator with authority in his area of expertise, which aims to stimulate the auditory to discussion on a specific chosen topic. The plenary presentations will take place during virtual plenary ZOOM sessions (live).
Even if the majority of the plenary speeches will be invited speeches, proposals of plenary presentations can be sent to the organizers, no later than 5th of May 2021.
A plenary speaker is expected to be at least PhD/ECR and have at least 4 H-factor in Web of Science or Scopus.
A plenary presentation should be sole authored.
The proposal of a plenary speech should contain the following information in the abstract & registration template: Title of the speech; Authorship (full affiliation and contact); Keywords; The conference theme in which the lecture should be included; Abstract (max 250 words); Biodata (short professional description of the speaker); CV + list of works/ previous presentations/lectures in its field of expertise.
Lectures |
Presentations should consist in speech of a specific topic of the Congress. A proposed lecture could be only sole authored. The speech should be of about 40 minutes and be focused on an original contribution to knowledge, that is both significant and rigorous. The speaker should have highly-regarded oratory and presentation skills, presentation content expertise, ability to engage an audience and manifest creativity and innovation during the speech. These will take place during virtual lecture ZOOM sessions (live).
The proposal of lecture should contain the following information in the abstract & registration template: Title of the speech; Authorship (full affiliation and contact); Keywords; The conference theme in which the lecture should be included; Abstract (max 250 words); Biodata (short professional description of the speaker); CV + list of works/ previous presentations/lectures in its field of expertise.
Workshops |
Workshops are associated events organized by research or educational institutions in one particular area of the Congress, starting from the presented papers, breakout sessions built around a specific thematic, with a greater level of audience interaction and sharing. A Workshop should be constituted from at least 1 chair (who can also be speaker) and 6 participants. Based on presented papers on the workshop topic, there are generated discussions, engaging both the presenters and the audience. An workshop emphasizes joint exploration of ideas and concepts relevant to the knowledge development of the discussed topic. We encourage auditors to participate to discussions, even they are not registered with papers. The participation as auditor will be certified with certificate of participation. These will take place during virtual workshop ZOOM sessions (live).
A workshop proposal will contain the following: Workshop Title; Main Organizer Institution; Co-organizers; Chair (The chairs for accepted proposals will be included in the organizing team and will be exempted from fee participation; only one chair per session will benefit of exemption of fee participation for one paper presented); Overview; Topics; Period; Registered participants (at least 6 participants – full name, affiliations and contacts, proposals of presentations titles & abstracts – 250 words abstract limit)
Round Tables |
A Round Table usually is a debate on a specific topic, involving at least 10-15 participants, starting from an idea/topic exposed by a moderator/leader. A roundtable leader will present a compelling topic which will be explored from the varied perspectives of table participants. A round table give the opportunity for an excellent networking and most of all supports the idea sharing. We encourage for proposals of round tables to address up to date subjects that would be of interest for participants from different countries but yet interested by the debated. When submitting the proposal for a round table, the nominator must send a clear description of the overall topic of the roundtable. The roundtable proponent should make sure he/she has the best background for generating a great debate. Furthermore he/she should determine a set of questions and activities to guide the conversation, in order to foreseen what insights and knowledge the audience will gain as a direct result of participating in the roundtable debate.
The proposal or participation to a round table is conditioned by registering to the Congress with a paper (different from that included in the Round Table). A round table will be scheduled in the Congress program only if there at least 6 participants registered as auditory/debaters. (participation fee for debaters who want to participate in the round table is 10 euro/person).
Oral presentations |
Presentations consist of individual presentations which will be grouped under one of the Congress themes. These will take place during regular sessions. Presentations must relate to one of the Congress themes. Speakers must focus on an original contribution to knowledge that is both significant and rigorous. 10 minutes per presenter with 5 minutes discussion each.
An oral presentation submission should contain the following information in the abstract & registration template: Title of the paper; Authorship (+ full affiliations and contacts); Keywords; The conference theme in which the paper should be included; Abstract (max 250 words – Research Problem, Methodology, Originality, Conclusion); Biodata (short professional description of each author mentioned in the authorship); the presenter author’s name (in case of multiple authorship)
Make sure that you are available online, ready for the ZOOM meeting, at least 10 minutes before the oral session starts within the section you belong;
All registered participants with plenary and oral presentations, lectures and workshops are kindly invited to send the video recording of their VIRTUAL PRESENTATION in order for their participation to be validated.
Recordings of the plenary, oral, workshop & lectures presentations | video materials
Until May 5th, 2021, all registered participants with plenary, oral, workshop & lectures presentations are kindly invited to send their video recording, of their VIRTUAL PRESENTATION in order for their participation to be validated. The video presentation of the paper is needed in order to consider the final paper eligible for evaluation for possible publication after peer-review. This video will be made available, for global audience, on the Youtube Channel Editura LUMEN, the official YouTube Chanel of the Congress.
The video will consist of paper presentation recording of maximum 15 minutes length, in WMA or MP4 format. Make sure the recording will be made in an accurate manner, high quality sound and image.
The LUMEN team will upload it to the LUMEN Publishing House/ Editura LUMEN YouTube channel and create a link to the Congress website and to the Facebook page LUMEN conference center.
Virtual Plenary & Regular Zoom sessions | live sessions
How the ZOOM sessions will take place | At the time of the Congress the presentations will be scheduled into live ZOOM sessions, and participants who will be scheduled to present their works will have a dedicated time for paper presentation, followed by a 5-minute interval allocated for answers to questions. In the minutes allocated for live presentation, the authors will very briefly present the pre-recorded video, which is already uploaded on YouTube.
Timing |
- Virtual Plenary Zoom sessions | 15- 20 minutes for presentation
- Virtual Regular Zoom sessions | 10 minutes for presentation
- Virtual Workshop ZOOM sessions | 10 minutes for presentation
- Virtual Lectures ZOOM sessions | 40 minutes for speech
Each session has a dedicated chair/moderator who has been instructed to ensure that strict timings are observed. Once all speakers have presented in the session, the Chair/moderator will take questions from the audience, and to facilitate wider discussion. The Congress is running on a very strict time schedule so it is vital that you keep to your allocated time and respect the contributions of everyone on your session and from the audience.
Please endeavor to be online at your allocated online session 10 minutes in advance of the session, where possible, to allow final arrangements to be made.
Your chair/moderator has been advised to make contact with you either pre-congress or at the congress time itself, ahead of your session, via Skype or Facebook Messenger ID, or even WhatsApp contact, to make sure you are available for the online meeting.
What else you should know |
Those who are unable to make the presentation in real time in virtual sessions through ZOOM are kindly asked to transfer their work to the poster presentation sessions, and follow the poster presentation instructions, no later than May 5th, 2020.
The organizing team will send participants ZOOM links for participation. All participants will receive an audience invitation for all sections of the conference, not only those in which they are scheduled to present the registered paper.
People who listen to the recording on YouTube can ask questions posted as comments regarding the presentation.
A person who, although virtually programmed, cannot attend the ZOOM session in which he is programmed, if she/he receives questions on the Facebook page is invited to answer them in the open space intervals, so that his/her answer is accessible to the general public.
To view the model of some previous virtual presentations, we invite you to see the video recordings on the YouTube channel Editura LUMEN.
- YouTube Playlist of the 15TH LUMEN International Online Scientific Conference CATES2020 | November 27-28, 2020 | Romania
- YouTube Playlist of the 4th LUMEN EDU International Online Scientific Conference | Education, Quality & Sustainable Development | November 25th – 26th, 2020 | Romania
- YouTube Playlist of the 14th LUMEN Conference RSACVP2020 | May 22-23, 2020 | Iasi, Romania
Poster Presentations |
Poster sessions will provide an opportunity for the authors to display the results and conclusions of the presented paper. The poster will be displayed online throughout the posters session during the congress.
All posters will be made publicly online available for the duration of the Congress and will remain online post – congress. Moreover, there will be dedicated poster sessions for each theme built into the congress program. Please consult the congress program in order to see the times that posters can be viewed and the dedicated times for each theme.
Please note that the dedicated sessions are your opportunity to discuss your work in depth and to answer any questions delegates may have. You are therefore expected to be online in order to answer the questions the online audience will be posting for your poster for the duration of your dedicated session(s). The theme you are categorized by is the theme under which you submitted your paper.
The Organizing team will create a Poster session dedicated album of the Congress, on the official Facebook Page of LUMEN Conference Center and upload all the posters resulted from the registrations. A large online audience will be able to ask questions or make commentaries on the poster, posted as comments. The author/ authors of the poster receiving comments, are invited to answer them when the Open Space virtual or poster presentations session are scheduled. (Open space presentations refers to the time when comments / questions can be addressed to the works posted on the YouTube channel or on the Facebook page, outside of the sessions programmed through ZOOM.)
The poster must be structured so that it answers the following questions about the structure of the paper:
- What is the research topic?
- Why was this aspect researched?
- How the research was conducted (subjects, methods)?
- What are the results of the research (results, discussions)?
Until May 5th, 2021, all registered participants can also send a short video recording of their POSTER, in order for their participation to be validated. The video will consist of paper presentation recording of maximum 3-5 minutes length, in WMA or MP4 format. Make sure the recording will be made in an accurate manner, high quality sound and image. The video presentation of the paper is not needed in order to consider the final paper eligible for evaluation for possible publication after peer-review.
The LUMEN team will upload it to the LUMEN Publishing House/ Editura LUMEN YouTube channel and create a link to the event website and to the Facebook page LUMEN conference center.
Please see below the available options:
#1. if you will design your poster – you should use the Corel Draw template and create your poster starting from the resume of your paper. After creating it, you should send it to us (in PDF or JPG format), via, so to be confirmed by us from the point of view of the graphical, ethical and editorial compliance. After our team approves it, the poster will be posted on the Facebook page of the LUMEN Conference Center, on the online poster session.
Poster to be sent to us no later than May 5th, 2021
#2. if you choose for us to create your poster – (for a 20 euro poster design fee) – based on your paper resume, sent by email, we will proceed to create your poster, using the same Corel Draw poster template. After creating it, the poster will be sent to you for confirmation. After your approval, the poster will be uploaded on the Facebook page of the LUMEN Conference Center, on the online poster session.
If you will chose to create the poster by yourself, please make sure you are considering to follow these guidelines when submitting your poster:
- poster dimensions: All posters should be Portrait, A1-sized according toe the Poster template.
- posters should be clear and easy to read. Type size should be sufficiently large to allow people to read. DO NOT REDUCE TEXT SIZE IN ORDER TO FIT MORE INFORMATION ONTO THE POSTER.
- design the poster to convey a CLEAR MESSAGE. If this is not obvious to the reader after reading the introduction, the message is NOT CLEAR and the reader will move on to an alternative poster.
- avoid overload – too much information seriously detracts from the overall impact.
- the SIMPLE use of color can enhance a presentation; remember too that an image can be far more effective than a body of text.
- if appropriate, consider the use of a suitable photograph, but do not include as a background to the poster.
- if you chose using images, please make sure you are either the author of these or you own the copyright to use and reproduce them onto your poster. No photos with personal identification elements (eg. faces of children or adults) could be accepted in the posters. The authors must provide the organizer with the proof of the right to reproduce such images, or if the case, the agreement from the photographed persons to use their information and make it publicly available by the author.
- keep Logos to a minimum and discrete.
- proofread the poster, and get others to do so as well.
Please let us know what option you chose, no later than May 5th, 2021 so to plan the poster session and to receive the text for the poster (in case of option #2).
All the posters will be included on the electronic Congress materials also, and made available online on the Congress website, for a large audience.
To view the model of some previous virtual presentations, we invite you to see the posters from previous conferences, available at LUMEN Conference center
- Poster album of the 15th LUMEN International Scientific Conference Communicative Action & Transdisciplinarity in the Ethical Society| CATES2020 | November 27th-28th, 2020 | Targoviste, Romania
- Poster album of the 4th LUMEN EDU International Scientific Conference | Education, Quality & Sustainable Development | November 25th – 26th, 2020 | Targoviste, Romania
- Poster album of the 14th LUMEN Conference RSACVP2020 | May 22-23, 2020 | Iasi, Romania
Book release |
If you have a recently published book which you want to release it to a large audience, you should propose your book release event to our Congress. The proponent of a book release should submit the following information to us, using wlc2021@lumenconference: Book info (title; author, if other than the proponent; number of pages; time of publication; publisher); a short description of the book (2- 3 descriptive paragraphs); invited quests information (a list of at least 3 persons who will actually release the book, by presenting it to the audience: full name, role & institutional affiliation)
Associated conference |
We invite representatives of research and academic institutions to propose scientific conferences to be organized as associated events to World LUMEN Congress 2021.
As scientific conference, the event may address a specific topic or many topics in a specific research field, by involving national and international participants. The conference theme should be in accordance with the Congress topics.
An associated scientific conference proposal must contain: The Conference title; the Edition number; the Conference dates (should be between 26 and 30 May, 2021); Venue (location of the Main organizer); the main organizer; the conference website (if hosted to a an website already); the conference short description (aims and topics). The conference will be co-organized with LUMEN conference Center team, the selection of the abstracts being in the main organizers’ responsibility. Further information will be communicated to the representative of the conference accepted for becoming associated to our congress, post evaluation of the proposal.
Important to know! GDPR action!
These Zoom sessions are recorded – by continuing you are giving your consent to be recorded.
No sensitive information about the participants – other than those existing in the Program or in the official documents of the Conference – will be made public without the express consent of the data subjects.
The records are kept in the archive of Lumen Publishing House for the use of Lumen Publishing House. We inform you that these sessions are broadcast live on Facebook, and if you do not want to be seen you can join without video image (valid for participants who do not have a presentation) and you can change the user name you enter with / a pseudonym to anonymize your presence.
Please Pay Attention! The recorded materials resulted from ZOOM session will be distributed online on Facebook and YouTube channel Editura Lumen, being available to a global audience and will remain online AFTER the end of the Congress.
The Plenary Sessions and the Regular Virtual sessions will be broadcast live on Facebook, for a general audience, and will later be posted on YouTube. Workshops and book releases will not be broadcast live on Facebook nor posted on YouTube.